Cookbooks are important to chefs. They are the manuals of their trade, turned to for information, insights and ideas. The Chef’s Library brings together in one volume the favourite cookbook choices of over 70 renowned chefs from around the world: among them, Michel Bras of Restaurant Bras, France,Thomas Keller of The French Laundry, USA, Ruth Rogers of The River Café, Britain and the Roca Brothers of El Celler de Can Roca in Spain. The cookbook choices – ranging from historic documents to handsome tomes by chefs they themselves respect and revere – offer a fascinating insight into each chef’s approach to food. Many of the chefs shared their reasons for choosing the books, offering a personal glimpse into their thinking. Further sections on Influential Cookbooks, such as Redzepi’s seminal Noma or Marco Pierre White’s dashing White Heat and a wide-ranging Cookbook Directory of classic cookbooks, make this book a useful, informative resource. Researching and writing this book brought home to me the richness and diversity of our cookbook heritage. The Chef’s Library celebrates cookbooks as a source of knowledge and inspiration, a subject close to my heart.